CT Acute Care EngineIndirizzare prontamente e velocemente la terapia lottando contro il tempo

Che l'indicazione sia il triple rule-out nel dolore toracico acuto, il sospetto di ictus, il politrauma, o il dolore addominale acuto, prevede funzioni cliniche in grado di dare risultati decisivi in tutti questi difficili contesti. La funzione Automatic Case Preparation permette un’immediata lettura dei casi clinici appena acquisiti nonostante i tempi decisionali sempre molto ristretti.

  • Qual è il vantaggio più grande che potete ottenere? La tecnologia Rapid Results permette di risparmiare tempo prezioso nei traumi toracici e della colonna vertebrale grazie ad una rapida visualizzazione delle immagini per una pianificazione chirurgica a 360°.
  • Quali sono i principali vantaggi di questa soluzione diagnostica? CT Acute Care Engine vi permette di prendere delle decisioni diagnostiche vitali più rapidamente e con maggiore affidabilità.

syngo.via’s workflow is another remarkable feature, as the Direct Image Transfer, Study Split for parallel assessment with up to five parallel readers, together with Automated Case Preparation make the CT Acute Care Engine the zero-delay diagnostic tool, while speed and dependability add confidence for critical decisions made against the clock.
my cases – ready

  • Automatic Case Preparation gathers previous image data from archives and provides


  • Findings Navigator collects and retrieves findings along the entire patient history
  • Auto Layout applies your favorite screen layout
  • CAD and PEV for improved detection of potential lesions

my places – networked

  • Multimodality delivers additional and decisive diagnostic information
  • Findings Navigator makes it easy to share results
  • Dual Monitor for improved comparison and follow-up of image data

my needs – anticipated

  • The syngo.via service agreement enables you to keep your system safe and up to date
  • Get latest software versions which accomplish new functionality*
  • A dedicated contact person will take responsibility for your support needs
In Focus: Saving Time and Money in Acute Chest Pain<br />
John Lesser, MD

Chest pain is the 2nd most common reason (after accidents) for a trip to the Emergency Department (ED) in the USA, accounting for 8 million visits annually. Speed of diagnosis is essential when a heart attack occurs. While standard diagnostic procedures can take up to 24 hours, one single scan with the SOMATOM Definition scanner and the CT Acute Care Engine, is sufficient to rule out Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) safely. John Lesser, MD Cardiologist at the Minneapolis Heart Center shows how Siemens CT solutions in the ED saves 80% time and 50% cost in managing acute chest pain.


Our solution for CT in Acute Care:

The complete solution:
The combination of the CT Acute Care Engine and the SOMATOM CT scanners provides a comprehensive clinical portfolio for your emergency patients in order to make fast and confident decisions.